FieldFLEX Mobile for TRIRIGA D1L8JLL
FieldFLEX Mobile for TRIRIGA
Cena katalogowa: Zapytaj o rabat!🏷️ |
24 414,00 EUR |
Part Number: | D1L8JLL |
Możesz później zdecydować, czy składasz zapytanie o cenę (rabat), czy zamówienie.
FieldFLEX Kiosk (fixed position variant of Maps) Includes access for 250 Kiosks, hardware not included, must be purchased with or as an addition to any other FieldFLEX component per Customer 3rd Party Offer
Typ produktu | 3rd party offering |
Jednostka licencyjna | Customer |
Brand Family | Real Estate and Facilities Management FieldFLEX Mobile for TRIRIGA |
Zobacz także inne:  | Internet of Things |
Oceń FieldFLEX Mobile for TRIRIGA D1L8JLL